Lamine Apollo Kongsi

 Ph.D. Research Scholar, Department of Political Science & Public Administration, Annamalai University  

Dr. S. Suchitra Varma

 Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science & Public Administration, Annamalai University.


The women's organizations are in varied network the Indian state of Nagaland, which is located in the country's northeast. The women’s groups are essential to the advancement of women's rights, the advancement of gender equality, and the resolution of the many social, economic, and political challenges women confront in the region. The primary goals of Nagaland's women's organizations are to improve the status of women in society, increase opportunities for women to advance in their chosen fields, and ensure that women have a voice in policymaking at all levels. These groups fight for a world where women are treated equally and may achieve their full potential in the workplace and in society at large. Women’s groups are unique in that they focus on helping women become economically independent through programs that increase their knowledge and abilities. They have been instrumental in helping women in both rural and urban communities improve their standard of living through projects such as weaving cooperatives, handicraft production, and agricultural training. This research article is based on secondary sources. The methodology undertaken is descriptive analysis. The objectives are the first is about empowerment of women through various organizations, the second one is about gender equality and the third one is a livelihood for women by state organizations.

Keywords: Empowerment, Livelihood, Equality, Development, Gender Equality, Organizations